Barnabite Fathers

THE CLERICS REGULAR OF SAINT PAUL – are commonly called Barnabites from their first major Church in Milan, Italy, which was dedicated to Saint Barnabas.

THE BARNABITE FATHERS – are Clerics Regular, that is, clerics doing any priestly work but living together under a special Rule, bound by solemn vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.

SAINT PAUL – is the patron saint of the Order from whom the Barnabites draw inspiration in spreading the devotion to Christ Crucified and to the Holy Eucharist.

THE ORDER WAS FOUNDED – almost 500 years ago by Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria (1502-1539), a learned and charitable medical doctor. Believing that souls were more in need of healing than bodies, he became a priest.

FOLLOWING THE EXAMPLE – of their Holy Founder, every Barnabite adds the name Mary to his.

THE BARNABITE ORDER – consists of both priests and brothers. The Barnabites are in: Afghanistan, Albania, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Congo DR, India, Italy, Mexico, Philippines, Poland, Rwanda, Spain, Tanzania and the United States.